Welcome to our FAQ page. Here you’ll find the answers to some of the most common questions we are asked by Creators. If you have additional questions, please reach out to our team using one of our intake forms.
The main benefits of using a social media agency is to make more money while working less!
To expand on this, a professional agency such as Elite MGMT has the necessary knowlede and expertise to take your social media accounts to new heights.
By implementing proven growth strategies, utilising industry connections and having acess to our extensive creator network, we are able to fast track your growth on socail media and maximise your account monetisation!
Unfortunately we do not work with every creator that applies for social media management.
The reason behind this is that we pride ourselves on delivering an industry leading service and results. Therefore, we only work with creators when we are 100% sure we can drastically increase their earnings!
There are many factors that come into this decision, but be sure that if we do enter into a management agreement with you, our team will do everything possible to maximise your earnings!
After our team has recieved your information, we will contact you directly in order to book in a consultation call or in person meeting (location permitting).
In this call or meeting our team will ask further questions to identify if we are a good fit for each other and share the same goals and ambitions for your social media accounts.
If both parties are happy to proceed a management agreement will be emailed directly to you.
Yes, all our creators that we manage are required to sign a contract.
This contract will provide requirements of both the agency and the creator in order to clearly outline both parties requirements and uphold accountability.
A contract protects both the creator and the agency and should be seen as a professional commitment from Elite MGMT to you and your future success.
We DO NOT gain ownership of your social media accounts or any content at any stage.
You will always have 100% ownership of your intellectual property at all times and this is cleary stated in our management contracts.
Our payment structure is based on a % of weekly revenue.
The exact % rate depends on various factors including, social media account sizes, account ages and services required.
We will explain this in detail and specific to your situation during our consultation call.
We would only ask you to make social media content that you are 100% happy to provide!
Our team will discuss suggested content during the onboarding process to gain a clear understading of your preferences and boundaries.
We will NEVER pressure you to do any content you are not comfortable with.
The most important information is related to your social media account currently.
The more analytical information you can provide the better as we will then be able to provide a detailed management proposal.
Your account manager will be your point of contact between yourself and the Elite MGMT team members working on your account.
The account manager will work directly with you on all aspects of your account, communcating requests from the team, answering your questions and guiding your account to maximum monetisation.
If you are super motivated and produce mass amounts of social media contentas per our expert recommendations, you can make life changing amount of money as an influencer!
We currently have numerous clients who have become millionaires through social media influencing and you could be the next!
Yes, absolutely.
As a registered and accredited management business all payments to Elite MGMT represent a business expense for you and therefore, can be completely written off against your taxible income.
Send us an enquiry to find out how we can help grow your account!
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Send us an enquiry to find out how we can help grow your account!
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